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Code of Ethics

Per FCA regulation 612.2137, AgCredit ACA has adopted a Code of Ethics which is stated in its entirety below. The Code of Ethics is applicable to every Director, Officer, Employee and Agent of the Association. 

All directors, officers, employees, and agents are required to:

  1. Maintain high ethical standards, including high standards of honesty, integrity, and fairness.
  2. Act in the best interests of the institution.
  3. Preserve the reputation of the institution and the public’s confidence in the Farm Credit System.
  4. Exercise diligence and good business judgement in carrying out official duties and responsibilities.
  5. Report to the Standards of Conduct Official conflicts of interest and circumstances or transactions that have the appearance of creating a conflict of interest involving yourself, your Family or your Reportable Business Entity.
  6. Refrain from participating in official action or discussion on any matter if you have an actual or perceived conflict of interest.
  7. Work with the Standards of Conduct Official to identify conflicts and resolve reported conflicts of interest and appearances of conflicts of interest.
  8. Avoid self-dealing or acceptance of gifts or favors that may be deemed as offered, or have the appearance of being offered, to influence official actions or decisions.
  9. Comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, as well as the rules and regulations of self-regulatory agreements to which the Association is a party.
  10. Promptly report any possible illegal or unethical activity, or violation of the Standards of Conduct Policy and the Code to the Standards of Conduct Official or through the anonymous reporting procedures.
  11. Take all reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of non-public information about the Association and its customers obtained or created in connection with its activities and to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of this information unless required by applicable law or regulation, or legal or regulatory process.

All Directors and Officers are required to fulfill their fiduciary duties to the institution and its stockholders. Additionally, directors and officers are required to produce full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosures of Association financial statements and related financial reports or communications as well as reports and documents filed with, or submitted to, AgFirst Farm Credit Bank and the Farm Credit Administration. Directors and officers are explicitly prohibited from taking any action to fraudulently coerce, manipulate, or mislead the Association's independent public accountants for the purposes of rendering the Association's financial statements misleading.